Do you have moles (birthmarks) that itches, bleeds easily, is painful, increases in size or changes shape? Then it is wise to have the birthmark examined by an experienced plastic surgeon. In some cases, moles are removed simply because you don’t like it. But if the moles are malignant or atypical it should be removed. Removing moles is done at Van Lennep Kliniek. The plastic surgeon who specialises in removing moles at our clinic is Dr. Hoekstra. She can assess perfectly whether your moles are malignant, atypical or benign. The removal of an atypical or malignant mole is reimbursed, the cost of removing a benign mole is for you. During the discussion about the treatment, we will give you a detailed explanation of the procedure. We will also discuss what cosmetic results we will expect. Of course there is also room to indicate your wishes. Before the operation the moles will be signed off by the surgeon, taking into account the skin lines. In these skin lines the skin folds, so that a scar is much less noticeable and the most beautiful result is achieved. Certainly when there are moles on the face that need to be removed, it is important to take this into account. You are at an excellent address for this at Van Lennep Kliniek! Van Lennep Clinic can also treat your acne scarsAre you annoyed by your acne scars? Then you can come to us too! We can make sure that scars are significantly reduced. Several treatments are possible for this, namely:
Make an appointment for a free consultation. Our doctors will then determine which treatment plan is exactly right for you. Your wishes will be discussed and we will tell you what results you can expect. | |
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